02/25/2025 Commission Meeting

Regular Session - 10:00 AM Hybrid Meeting

When: Feb 25, 2025
POB Commission Meeting, February 25, 2025

The Commission has transitioned to hybrid meetings which means we will be conducting our meetings in person and via Zoom. Members of the public are invited to view and/or participate in the meetings through one of the following options:

Attend in Person @ 10:00 AM

This meeting will be held in the Meeting Chambers at the Norm Dicks Government Center located at 345 6th Street, Bremerton, WA 98337

NOTE: Included in the meeting will be a presentation on the Bremerton National Airport Market Feasibility Study followed by an opportunity for community members to provide public comment. There will be an “open house” at the end of the meeting to provide in-person attendees the opportunity to peruse the Feasibility Study presentation boards and to speak with the consultant team. Due to technical unfeasibility, the BKAT broadcast/Zoom connection will end just prior to the “open house.”

Watch via BKAT Live Stream @ 10:00 AM

Click the link below to access the live stream of the meeting. Once on the page, click the white "play' triangle to the left of the video window to start the stream. Please be aware the live stream will only allow you to listen, it will not allow you to participate or speak.


Join Meeting via Zoom @ 10:00 AM

Click the link below to access the virtual Zoom meeting. If you access the meeting via your computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone (using the Zoom app on a phone), you can watch and listen through your device's speakers. Should you wish to speak during Citizen Comments, please click on the raise hand feature or type Yes in the chat function to signal that you would like to comment. Your sound will be unmuted and you should announce your name. Please note that we will not be able to assist you should you experience technical difficulties.


Call-in Zoom Meeting instructions:

Call-in using the number (253) 215-8782. You will need to enter the Meeting ID number (see below). Should you wish to speak during Citizen Comments, please dial *9 on your keypad to signal that you would like to comment. The last four digits of the call-in number will be announced, and call-in participants should announce their first and last name before speaking.

Meeting ID: 335 903 0010